BLM Statement

AZ Resistors was founded to provide a space in North Phoenix for opponents of Donald Trump’s election to meet  regularly to share support for local candidates that oppose the policies being promulgated at the National level and embraced by  the majority of our state politicians. 

It is an understatement to say that Trump has validated our reason for being. From his sickening treatment of Latino immigrants and children to his embarrassing pandering to dictators, he has rolled out an endless rosary of repugnant policies whose effects have only been blunted by hapless execution from his appointees and massive opposition from groups that defend civil liberties. 

In this election year, Trump’s disastrous response to the corona virus, his pitiless regard for the virus’s devastation of our economy and his malicious reactions to countrywide demonstrations against the over-policing of our black citizens have yet again demonstrated the need for us to redouble our efforts to have him removed from office.

Scientific research and competent rollouts of COVID-19 vaccines and therapies will eventually yield results. Our economy will also recover in due course. But the over-policing of our black Americans and more critically, the underlying racism that has perpetuated the misery of black and brown Americans will be much harder to cure. In the civil rights era of the 60’s and 70’s it was vivid television images of the hateful treatment of school children and voting rights workers that sensitized  many Americans to finally take the damage being done by Jim Crow segregationist policies seriously. Much progress was made during that era. Progress that has been clawed back by initiatives against Affirmative Action, voter suppression efforts and the “privatization” of public education. 

Evidence from smart phones and security cameras and a long list of victims of police brutality provide us ample evidence for the reasons black Americans see the police as enforcers of white privilege, while most whites consider the police as protectors of public safety. 

We have a historical opportunity to make meaningful changes, both in how our society ensures true public safety for all Americans and most importantly, how white Americans perceive the burdens our society continues to place on people of color. 

We, at AZ Resistors can play a part in that process by adding our support to the Black Lives Matter movement and by demanding reforms and defunding of over-policing activities. We also need to take a good look at our own understanding of black lives and how our acceptance of white privileges damages all of us.  And we need to start now.  

Critical Information

The phrase “Must Read” has lost its meaning. In fact, it can indicate just the opposite. So, I’m looking for another way to get your attention. This article from the Guardian may be one of the most important of our time. Not exaggerating. Please stop what you’re doing and read it. It’s long, detailed, and scary as hell.

Brexit is in the article but that’s not all that it covers.

If you’re politically active, care about democracy, you need to understand what is happening. This is our watch. Things could change quickly.

The Guardian: How our democracy was hijacked

After you’ve read it consider these two new developments:

Congressman Snowflake (Schweikert) AZ CD6

The right can’t decide if liberal Democrats are fragile snowflakes or violent car torching radicals.

I guess they figure they have their bases covered either way.

I can almost accept the average intellectually lazy, gullible, Trump fanatic has to resort to pathetic name calling, but when a sitting United States Congressman slanders his constituents and fellow Americans with over-the-top violence inciting lies, that’s something we all need to address.

Here is a copy of his hysterical, alternative fact based mailer he just sent out to his supporters (I truly hope there are less supporters after they received this bizarre solicitation.)

Schweikert June 2017 mailer

I’m kind of bummed AZ Resistors didn’t make the cut. I’m going to have to speak to our “light cars on fire” committee chairperson to up our game!

Find out if this bottom feeding swamp dweller represents you by checking HERE.


4-Star Admiral: “the greatest threat to democracy”

William McRaven

Willian McRaven, not your average libtard snowflake, was commander of the secretive Joint Special Operations Command, created and oversaw the operation that finally killed Osama bin Laden about six years ago. He had this to say about Trump:

“William H. McRaven, a retired four-star admiral and former Navy SEAL, slammed President Trump’s characterization of the media as “the enemy of the American people,” calling that sentiment the “greatest threat to democracy” he’s ever seen.”

Rest of the article is here: Washington Post


This is a MUST READ

Robert Mercer

A great article in the UK’s Guardian outlines who is bank rolling the Trump administration and some of the right wing ‘media’ outlets.

I already knew that Mercer gave $10 million to get Breitbart news off the ground but my eyes didn’t go wide and hair on the back of my neck didn’t stand up until I got to this paragraph:

But there was another reason why I recognised Robert Mercer’s name: because of his connection to Cambridge Analytica, a small data analytics company. He is reported to have a $10m stake in the company, which was spun out of a bigger British company called SCL Group. It specialises in “election management strategies” and “messaging and information operations”, refined over 25 years in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. In military circles this is known as “psyops” – psychological operations. (Mass propaganda that works by acting on people’s emotions.)

It’s a long read but it’s worth it. This partially explains to me how so many people can vote against their own self interest. They’ve taken what Lee Atwater and Carl Rove developed and weaponized it.

Full article is here: Robert Mercer: the big data billionaire waging war on mainstream media